Internal Audit Unit
Internal audit is not responsible for the detailed development and implementation of a system and procedure. In this case, its function is only as a consultant and catalyst.
Internal Audit of the Company’s duties and responsibilities:
In accordance with the Internal Audit Unit Charter, the Internal Audit Unit carries out the function of consultant and catalyst so that in this case it is not responsible for the detailed development and implementation of a system and procedure.
In general, the duties and responsibilities of the Company's Internal Audit Unit include:
- Prepare an annual audit work plan including budget and resources;
- Coordinate with the Company's Audit Committee;
- Evaluate whether financial, management and operational information in the scope of the audit has been presented accurately, complete, trusted and on time;
- Conduct a special audit if needed and by the request of management;
- Test and evaluate the implementation of internal controls and risk management systems in accordance with Company policy;
- Use risk analysis to develop an audit plan;
- Conducting checks and evaluations on efficiency and effectiveness in the fields of finance, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, information technology and other activities;
- Make an audit report and submit the report to the President Director and Board of Commissioners of the Company for significant findings as a result of the examination conducted;
- Provide corrective suggestions and objective information about the activities examined at all levels of management;
- Convincing that all of the Company's assets have been reported and guarded from damage and loss;
- Assessing the quality of achievement of work units in the Company by providing suggestions for improvement and objective information about activities examined at all levels of management;
- Carry out an Operational Audit and obedience with management activities that aim to ensure that the Company's policies, plans and procedures and applicable laws have been done properly;
- Develop a program to evaluate the quality of the internal audit activities; and
- Monitor, analyze and report on the implementation of suggested improvements.
Internal Audit Unit’s Authority
The authority of the Internal Audit Unit is as follows:
- Access relevant records or information about employees, funds, assets and other Company resources related to the execution of duties;
- Communicate directly with the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and / or the Audit Committee as well as members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and / or Audit Committee;
- Hold regular and incidental meetings with the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners and / or the Audit Committee;
- Coordinating its activities with external auditor activities; and
- Request an advice and opinions from the third parties or experts if needed in carrying out tasks.
Internal Audit Unit Structure
The following is the composition of the Company's Internal Audit Unit and its profile:

Muhamad Faizal Filansyah
Indonesian citizen. Serving as Head of Internal Audit Unit since 2024. Previously served as Quality Assurance of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (September 2009-August 2012), Internal Audit Supervisor of PT Bank BCA Syariah (June 2013-August 2015), Internal Audit Manager of PT Bank BCA Syariah (August 2015-June 2022), and Management Consultant of PT Berlian Jaya Berkarya (July 2022- November 2023). He earned his Bachelor of Accounting degree at Pasundan University Bandung on 2008.
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